
Planning an adventure abroad? Don't overlook your rabies vaccine. Rabies is a viral infection transmitted through the bite or scratch of an infected animal. This vaccine allows you to safeguard yourself against this fatal disease and travel with peace of mind.


Rabipur (Valneva)
Verorab (Sanofi Pasteur)


Three-four doses given over a course


£99 per dose

About Rabies

Rabies is a deadly viral disease that affects the central nervous system and is transmitted through the saliva of infected animals, primarily through bites or scratches. Once symptoms appear, rabies is almost always fatal, underscoring the importance of vaccination for travelers to high-risk areas. Prompt medical attention and vaccination before potential exposure are essential precautions against this severe and preventable disease.

Will I need a Rabies jab to travel?

The rabies vaccine is recommended for travelers visiting areas with a high risk of rabies transmission, especially those planning outdoor activities or working with animals. This includes adventure travelers, backpackers, wildlife enthusiasts, and veterinarians.

Rabies at Purbeck Travel Clinic

Don't underestimate the risk of rabies during your travels. Protect yourself and your loved ones by ensuring you're up to date with your rabies vaccination. Consult with Purbeck travel clinic to determine the most suitable vaccination schedule and stay safe while exploring the world. With the rabies vaccine, you can embark on your adventures with confidence and peace of mind.

In a hurry? We welcome last-minute appointments. The Typhoid vaccination is a single dose and can be given quickly at short notice.

Rabies FAQs

how serious is Rabies?

How effective is Rabies vaccine?

Are there any side effects?

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